Pech family arrived in Australia from Germany in 1850. Now, Leo Pech is the fourth generation live in Australia. Leo worked in the family vineyard after school aged 14 years. Leo worked all his life in the grape growing industry. He won many prizes and to be seen as a milestone of the Barossa. Leo was Vice-President of Wine Grape Growers Council of Australian, Chairman of the Barossa Grapegrowers Vine Selection Society, Chairmanof the Barossa Wine Grape Advisory Council, National President of the Australian grape Producer Association, etc.. In 1984, Leo become a Baron of the Barossa for his contribution to the grape and wine industry.
Current activities:
Wine Grape Council SA.
Wine Grape Growers’ Australia.
Grape Barossa Committee.
National Vine Health Steering Committee.
Professional Member of the Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology.
Baron of Barossa (10th March 1984).
Recipient of a Centenary Medal for service to the community, particularly the scientific and technology of the wine industry.
Life Member of the South Australian Farmers Federation.
Former Activities:
Barossa Grapegrowers Vine Selection Society (Chairman Eleven Years). Life Member (17th September 1986)
South Australian Vine Improvement Committee (Vice Chairman Seven Years)
Barossa Wine Grape Advisory Council (Chairman Eight Years).
South Australian Wine Grape Advisory Council
National Wine Grape Advisory Council.
South Australian Premier’s Winegrape Committee
Australian Grape Producers Association ( Chairman)
Barossa and Light Rural Council Advisory Service Committee.
South Australian Vine Improvement Trust Fund Committee.
South Australian Wine Grape Growers Council.
Winegrape Growers Council of Australia (Chairman)
Geographical Indication Committee (Wine and Brandy Corporation)
North Para Catchment Committee (a committee of the Northern Adelaide and Barossa Catchment Water Management Board).
Winegrape Industy Liaison Committee (chairman) 2 years (National).
SAWBIA viticulture committee.
Barossa Winegrape Committee (former Chairman).

14 year’s old Leo on the tractor in Barossa.

In 1977, Leo Pech had met Queen Elizabeth II in the Barossa Valley.